My socially engaged arts practice focuses on urban ecological diversity and walking with first nations peoples. I am interested in biocultural diversity, biopolitics, solastalgia, grief and loss, eco-social work and the intricacy of interspecies relationships. I build relationships and facilitate connections with individuals and groups to create emergent, collaborative artworks that explore ecological and social justice issues. I work with materials that include but are not limited to plants, glass, and repurposed and found materials which are used for sculpture, installation, drawing and painting, among others. Previous work has included explorations of the personal and cultural implications of the global cultivation of native and foreign plant species, including aesthetics, ties to "home", food security, traditional food availability, ecological complexity and conservation practices, and materials as artefacts. I draw on the support, services and resources of voluntary organisations, NGOs, individuals and groups to network, share information, reduce costs and add passionate voices to the issues explored. When relevant, I work from a strengths-based, trauma-informed practice.