Susan Hauri-Downing ecoartist

bees 5 Superorganismus, 2013, ceramic inks on porcelain plate (work in progress)

bees 6 Superorganismus (detail), 2013, ceramic inks on porcelain plate (work in progress)

urbanisation / colonisation

bees 1 untitled, 2012, abandoned wasp nest, repurposed silicon earplugs, 20x20x15cm
Material and spatial exploration of wasp constructed object

bees 2 untitled (detail), 2012, abandoned wasp nest, repurposed silicon earplugs

bees 3 Swiss Wasp, 2011 Switzerland

bees 4 Swiss Hummel, 2011 Switzerland

Social caterpillars, 2012 Perth Western Australia

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2024 Susan Hauri-Downing