Susan Hauri-Downing ecoartist

Coloured with dye made from plants on which each of these wild bees relies for food and which requires these bees for pollination, these intricate drawings illustrate the species specific relationships between bees and plants. Each of these bees was in my backyard, but went unseen without conscious attention and focus. The drawings are traces of the patience needed to see the diversity of one's environment.

Plant paint series
Coreopsis verticillata (Tickseed), 2014, Inkwash on canvas, hand-made plant dye, 20x20cm

Plant paint series
Mahonia repens (Mahonia), 2014, Inkwash on canvas, hand-made plant dye, 20x20cm

Plant paint series
Rudbeckia fulgida (Black-eyed Susan), 2014, Inkwash on canvas, hand-made plant dye, 20x20cm

Plant paint series
Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy), 2014, Inkwash on canvas, hand-made plant dye, 20x20cm